Autism Theater Project

Who We Are

Achieve Anyway

We are a group of young adults, with and without autism, who are dedicated to changing the way the world sees autism and related conditions.    

Our mission is to show the world everyone has a voice.  We show how people of all abilities can overcome challenges, and make an impact on the world. 

Through our productions, we inspire audiences to have faith in people of all abilities, including themselves. 

Here are quotes from a couple of our team members: 

“My name is Olivia Nguyen and I am 27 years old. I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of 6. I decided to join the Autism Theatre Project to help bring joy to others and bring awareness to others around. We are currently working on [episodes of] a webseries called “The Voice Inside” which [are] about a character named Matt, who is also on spectrum. I am very excited to work on this project, because I can relate to the character Matt as he goes through his journey and overcomes his obstacles. What I hope teens will learn from our webseries is that everyone is different and we can learn from eachother’s experiences in life.”- Olivia Nguyen, playwright

“What excites me [about ‘The Voice Inside’] is the collaboration of different artists to tell a uniquely autistic story! As a playwright on the spectrum from Canada, I love that we all can bring something to the table, even though we are from different parts of the world and are different.” – Matteo Esposito, playwright

Check out this article about our founder, Gena Sims, and her work with the Autism Theater Project:         And watch Matteo Esposito tell his autism success story in the video below!  

         Matteo’s story will inspire future episodes of “The Voice Inside” web-series. 

Play Video

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© 2024 Autism Theater Project – Everyone has a voice