Autism Theater Project

Our Productions


Awards and Recognitions

With more than 2 years of development workshops with teens, our online TV series “The Voice Inside” started production in January 2023. ATP is currently finishing up more episodes of “The Voice Inside” for the consideration of major global streaming services, with the help of Hollywood production company TW3 Entertainment.

Based on true success stories, “The Voice Inside” is about resilient teens & young adults who come to realize this: “If you change your voice inside, you can change your life. And if you change your life, you could change the world.” When the characters awaken to this truth, their world shifts: opportunities arise, and the viewers explore the different paths they could take.

The series gives profound insight into the perspectives of those with autism and how they overcome obstacles. It portrays how young people face other challenges, such as trauma recovery, financial hardships, evading trafficking schemes, running away, grief, dyslexia, and just the fear of growing up.

So far, our pilot episode was awarded “Best TV Show Pilot” at the Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, was a finalist at the New York International Film Awards, and was selected by the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival, Mental Health Warrior Film Festival and Naked Mountain International Film Festival.


A non-speaking girl dreams that the “talking children” on the Playground could hear the voice inside her head. In her dream world, the children see her life story be told through music and dance. And the little girl inspires the other children to open up about their own life stories. Together, they realize that they are more alike than they are different. And ultimately, the “talking children” encourage the non-speaking girl to believe in herself and the power she has to make an impact on the “real world”.

Our play has been showcased at Carnegie Mellon University, Actors’ Playhouse Miracle Theater, Miami Children’s Theater, and the Teatro Della Pergola in Florence, Italy.

Our proudest moment was when after the show, children in our audience told us that ‘In the Life of a Child’ made them see that people are one and the same.

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© 2024 Autism Theater Project – Everyone has a voice

501(c)(3) Legally Registered as Theater Production Corporation